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It's a Love Story

Welcome to Whitlock (24690 Series)

Welcome to Whitlock (24690 Series)

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Welcome (interjection): 1. A word of greeting, as to ones' arrival at a destination.

Whitlock (noun): 1. A subterranean fortress within the base of a mountain, housing slaves for the cruel use of Masters who have purchased them through an auction. For reference, see to the 24690 series as you will get to experience the world first-hand.27001

Scout 14 notes: Location: New York City

Chosen: Charlee Renee Hillis

Stats: 21, 5'10", blonde hair and blue eyes.

Former model, alcoholic, occasional drug user.

Occupation: Waitress at the Dizzy Dagger

Objective: Slave for Whitlock ... but first ... let the games begin.27009

Scout 5 notes:

Location: Athens, Greece

Chosen: N/A Stats: N/A

Occupation: N/A

Objective: Hunt down Everleigh Harper-slave 24690. (Try to keep my face.) Bag a surprise on my trip.27011

Scout 19 notes:

Location: WHITLOCK

Chosen: N/A

Stats: Protect 27011

Occupation: N/A

Objective: Survive the White Room. Keep the slave safe and alive, while protecting my real identity.

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